Saturday, October 23, 2010

Trivia Question #5
Q. During the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 against his enemy Henry Tudor, what did this English King's allies do?
a) Deserted him at the last minute and watched him charge to his death
b) Fought to the last man
c) Crossed over to the other side

Answer below

A. a) Deserted him at the last minute and watched as he charged to his death. Following this, his naked corpse was slung over a horse and displayed in Leicester for two days, after which he was buried in an unmarked grave. 50 years later his bones were dug up and thrown into the River Soar and his coffin used as a water trough. On an upbeat note, Richard III today has a support group known as the Richard III Society which attempts to rehabilitate his memory and claims he was unfairly slandered by his Tudor enemies - their website is

Adapted from NOT TONIGHT JOSEPHINE history board game with permission

Trivia Question #4
Did Enrico Fermi:
a) design the Ferrari?
b) construct the first nuclear reactor?
c) compose the hit song Chain Reaction?

Answer below

A. b) He constructed the first nuclear reactor. The Italian born US physicist built the first nuclear reactor in 1942 at the University of Chicago and took part in the Manhattan Project. Fermium (Fm), a radioactive element found in the debris of the first nuclear explosion, was named after him. When Fermi produced the first self sustaining chain reaction the achievement was announced cryptically to scientists working on the bomb with the coded message "The Italian navigator has reached the New World".

(With permission from "Not Tonight Josephine" board game)