Tuesday, December 02, 2008

History Trivia Quiz #3
This is a picture of:
a) musicians practicing the cannon blast in the 1812 Overture
b) a doctor and patient admiring the recently invented armed wheelchair
c) Hiram Maxim demonstrating his machine gun to King Edward VII

Answer below

ANSWER: c) Hiram Maxim (kneeling) demonstrating his automatic machine gun to King Edward VII.

Hiram Maxim had invented an improved version of the hair-curling iron and the incandescent lamp but saw his life change while visiting the Paris Electrical Exhibition in 1881, when someone said to him "If you want to make a lot of money, invent something that will enable these fool Europeans to kill each other with greater facility." He moved to London and produced the world's first automatic machine gun there in 1883.

Reproduced with permission from NOT TONIGHT JOSEPHINE History Trivia Board Game


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